If you can’t see the driver panel page please follow the following steps, you can check if the page shows up on each step:
- Go to the plugins page on the admin panel and check if the plugin is active.
- Go to the plugin settings page on the admin panel, on the General settings tab check if the correct page has been selected.
- Go to the edit driver page on the admin panel and check if the page is published.
- On the edit page, check if the page using a template, if yes, change it to the default template and click update.
- Go to the WordPress settings – > Permalink Settings and click save changes.
- Check if you have a plugin or theme conflict, for more information on that please click on the following link https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/how-to-test-for-conflicts/
If you are using the WP-ROCKET plugin you need to disable it for the drivers’ page, go to the drivers’ page on the admin panel and disable the wp-rocket cache on this page.
If you are using the OXYGEN plugin you need to disable it for the drivers’ page, please follow the following steps:
- Install and activate the WP Plugin Manager plugin at the following link https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-plugin-manager/
- Click on the plugin manager link on the admin panel menu.
- Click on the oxygen tab.
- Check Enable Deactivation.
- On the URI Type option select page.
- On the select pages option choose the delivery drivers app page.
- Click save settings.
- Now check if the driver page works.
If you still have a problem please contact us.